The Full Story
Dr. Eddie Davenport MD serves pilots, aircrew, and high performers in any field by preventing heart disease through research and evidence-based recommendations. In those with known cardiovascular disease, Dr. Davenport is an advocate to get them back to their heroic line of work. international subject matter expert in the field of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in high-risk occupations.

Set up an appointment to talk about your specific questions. We can discuss the prevention of cardiovascular disease, treatment options, take another look at your tests, or figure out how to get you back to work. We will discuss optimizing measures to prevent or eradicate any cardiovascular disease process. The goal is for you to THRIVE!
Have Dr. Davenport speak at your next event. Topics include Cardiovascular Disease, Optimal Health, Human Performance, Diet, Exercise, Alcohol / Coffee, and Military topics such as Integrity, Service, Core Values, and Love of God and Country.